Drowsy Driving Accident Attorney in Virginia Beach

Drowsy driving is a growing safety issue for motorists across the country, including those in Virginia Beach and elsewhere in the Tidewater region.
The National Sleep Foundation reports that going 20 hours without sleep has similar effects on driving abilities as having a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.08 percent. Fatigued drivers have slower reaction times, dulled reflexes, and impaired judgment. They may even doze off behind the wheel, causing them to lose control and collide with another vehicle or an object.
If you’ve been injured in a collision with a drowsy driver, contact the Virginia Beach car accident lawyers at Ruloff, Swain, Haddad, Morecock, Talbert & Woodward, P.C., today. We’ve been helping accident victims in Virginia seek compensation for their injuries for more than 30 years. During that time, we’ve honed our skills and helped our clients recover millions of dollars.
With our skills and experience, we can help you pursue the money you need to cover your medical bills and other losses after a fatigued driver crash. Get a free initial consultation by calling our office in Virginia Beach or filling out our contact form.
What Is Drowsy Driving?
Drowsy driving happens when someone stays behind the wheel even when they are sleep-deprived or otherwise feeling fatigued. That can occur for a wide variety of reasons. Shift work, prescription drugs, insomnia, stress, long-haul driving, alcohol, narcotics, and other factors can cause drivers to feel fatigued.
When drivers are overly tired, their ability to safely handle a vehicle is hampered by:
- Impaired decision-making
- Delayed reaction times
- A shorter attention span
Any of these impediments significantly increase a tired driver’s chances of causing an accident. Fatigued drivers are also vulnerable to microsleep episodes, in which they nod off behind the wheel. These episodes may last for a fraction of a second or last 10 seconds or longer. Even a brief microsleep episode can be extremely dangerous, as losing control of a vehicle for only a second or two is easily enough to cause a crash.
When Do Most Drowsy Driving Accidents Occur?
Unsurprisingly, most drowsy driving accidents happen at night. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that most drowsy driving accidents occur during two intervals: From about midnight to 6 a.m. and in the late afternoon.
These are periods when our bodies naturally experience dips in circadian rhythms, our natural energy cycles. These are also the times of day when people are finishing up work. Night shift workers are especially vulnerable to drowsy driving incidents.
That said, drowsy driving accidents can occur at any time. Certain prescription drugs, alcohol, and narcotics can cause drivers to feel fatigued at all hours, putting nearby drivers and others at risk.
How to Prevent Drowsy Driving
Here are a few tips for preventing drowsy driving:
- Good rest is the most effective way to prevent drowsy driving. Make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before taking a long trip. Your goal should be to get at least eight hours of sleep most nights. Teens are especially likely to drive on too little sleep, so be sure to warn them of the potential dangers.
- Plan to take regular breaks on long trips. Get out of the car and stretch during these stops to keep your energy levels high. If possible, switch drivers.
- Avoid drinking before driving. Even if you’re under the legal limit, alcohol can have a significant impact on your driving performance because it can make you feel drowsy. It can also slow your reflexes and cloud your judgment.
- Check your prescription medications to see if fatigue is a possible side effect. If so, be sure to leave plenty of time after taking the medication before driving.
- If you have to drive during periods of peak sleepiness (midnight to 6 a.m. or the late afternoon), make sure to watch yourself for signs of fatigued driving. These include long blinks, drifting in your lane or into another lane, and hitting a rumble strip on the roadside.
Drowsy Driving Statistics in Virginia Beach
A study from Virginia Tech’s Transportation Institute found that fatigue is a cause of 20 percent of all car crashes. The study’s authors also found that drivers aged 18 to 20 were significantly more fatigued during crashes than drivers in any other age group.
If we were to assume that fatigue, at least in part, caused 20 percent of the 128,172 traffic accidents that occurred in Virginia in one recent year, it would mean 25,634 crashes were fatigue-related.
Drowsy driving accident numbers are climbing across the country. NHTSA reports around 500,000 annual injuries nationwide from drowsy driving accidents, along with nearly 800 deaths.
Compensation for Victims of Fatigued Driver Crashes
Under Virginia’s personal injury laws, you can pursue compensation from the liable parties for your injuries after an accident. Among other things, you could potentially receive compensation for:
- Your past and future medical bills
- Your lost wages and diminished earning capacity
- Your pain and suffering
- Your emotional anguish
- Your damaged personal property
One key thing to know about Virginia’s negligence laws is that the state uses the pure contributory negligence doctrine for determining compensation. In essence, this rule means that a plaintiff cannot recover compensation for their injuries if they are found to have played any role in causing the accident. This is a very strict standard most states do not use, but Virginia does.
Because of this strict standard, it’s important to get a knowledgeable attorney to assist you with your fatigued driving accident case. An experienced car accident lawyer will know how to find the evidence you need to show how the drowsy driver was solely responsible for your injuries.
Contact a Car Accident Attorney in Virginia Beach for Help
Because the stakes are so high after a fatigued driving accident, you should speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. At Ruloff, Swain, Haddad, Morecock, Talbert & Woodward, P.C., our car accident attorneys are ready to quickly get to work on your behalf.
We’ll help you gather evidence, handle all your legal and insurance paperwork, take care of settlement negotiations with the liable parties and their insurance companies, and bring your case to court if a fair settlement offer can’t be reached. We operate on a contingency-fee system, meaning you don’t owe us any money unless we help you collect compensation.
Time is of the essence after a fatigued driving accident. It’s best to get started on your claim as soon as possible. Get a free case review by calling our office in Virginia Beach or by visiting our contact page.