Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Virginia Beach

A Skilled Nursing Home Injury Lawyer Will Hold Offending Parties Accountable
If your loved one is showing any signs of nursing home abuse or neglect, you should contact our medical malpractice and nursing home injury law office as soon as possible to discuss your case. Our experienced nursing home injury lawyers in Virginia Beach, VA, will work diligently to ensure that the parties responsible for nursing home neglect or abuse are held accountable.
According to government statistics, personnel at one in every three nursing homes are guilty of abuse or neglect. Nursing home injuries are all too common and may include physical or emotional abuse, financial exploitation, or neglect to properly meet a patient’s needs. If you suspect your loved one is experiencing nursing home abuse or neglect, schedule a consultation at our law office today to discuss your case at no charge.
Types of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Physical and Sexual Abuse
Physical abuse may include the unintentional use of force for restraint but may also be intentional and result in bodily harm. Patients may be hit, pushed, slapped, kicked, pinched, burned, or restrained with excessive force.
Sexual abuse includes any sexual contact that the patient did not, or could not, consent to, including unwanted touching, unwanted nudity, the taking of explicit photos, or rape.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse can inflict pain or distress, verbally or non-verbally. Emotional abuse may involve verbal assaults such as insults, threats, or humiliation, and ignoring or isolating the patient. Emotional abuse can be difficult to detect in certain instances, due to the lack of physical evidence.
Financial Exploitation
If a staff member utilizes a patient’s funds or property without permission or coerces the patient to give permission, your loved one may be a victim of financial exploitation. A patient’s signature may be forged, checks may be cashed, or funds may be withdrawn without permission. The patient may also be coerced into making changes to an important document, such as a will.
Neglect is the failure of the nursing home staff to provide the patient with the necessities required by law. Withholding food or water, failing to provide clean clothing, food, and shelter, not maintaining proper patient hygiene, and failing to administer medication are all examples of neglect that a patient may experience in a nursing home.
Our Virginia nursing home abuse lawyers will work diligently to ensure that the parties responsible for your loved one’s pain and suffering are held accountable.
What to Look For
Though some forms of abuse may be more obvious than others, there are signs you can look for to help determine whether your loved one is being abused or neglected by nursing home staff.
Signs of Physical and Sexual Abuse
Signs of physical abuse may include bruises, cuts, scratches, burns, sprains, fractures, or broken bones. Signs of sexual abuse may include bruising near the breasts or genitals, vaginal or anal bleeding, or unexplained venereal diseases or infections.
Signs of Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse leaves no physical evidence, so it can be much more difficult to recognize. Signs to look for include agitation, unusual depression, withdrawal, unresponsiveness, and other abnormal behavior.
Signs of Financial Exploitation
The signs of financial exploitation may be obvious and can include changes in bank account balances, new names on signature cards, unauthorized withdrawals, and unauthorized changes to important financial documents.
Signs of Neglect
If your loved one is suffering from neglect, he or she may become dehydrated, malnourished, or begin losing a significant amount of weight. Other signs include untreated bedsores, bedbug bites, a lack of clean clothes, not being bathed, untreated health problems, and unsafe or unsanitary living quarters.
Contact Our Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Today
If you suspect that your loved one is suffering from nursing home abuse or neglect, contact our Virginia nursing home injury lawyers today to schedule a free consultation. After discussing your case, our nursing home neglect attorneys can investigate the allegations of abuse. We will work diligently to ensure that the parties responsible for your loved one’s pain and suffering are held accountable.