Virginia Beach is a major tourist destination and is recognized as one of the most beautiful beach communities in the United States. Tourist and resident traffic causes frequent congestion in Virginia Beach. Pedestrians regularly walk to and from beaches, bars, and restaurants.
With so many drivers and pedestrians in close proximity, serious injury accidents can and do occur.
The injury attorneys at Ruloff, Swain, Haddad, Morecock, Talbert & Woodward, P.C. know that it takes caution on the part of both drivers and pedestrians to keep everyone safe on the road, at crosswalks, and on sidewalks in Virginia Beach.
Driver Safety Tips
What can drivers do to minimize their chances of hitting a pedestrian? The most obvious is also the most important: be aware of pedestrians at all times. Here are more driver safety tips to keep in mind when around pedestrians:
- Bad weather and nighttime driving require focus from drivers and pedestrians alike. One of the worst times for visibility is when the sun is going down and the day is turning into the night. This is when some drivers do not have their headlights on yet, and pedestrians may feel like there is still enough sunlight to be visible.
- Assume that every crosswalk will have a pedestrian crossing the street, even when you do not see one. Pedestrians coming from your left may be invisible for a moment when they’re in your blind spot. Proceed slowly and change your angle to make sure the crosswalk is clear. Also, never pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk as they may be stopped for a pedestrian who is about to step into your lane. Also, do not crowd a crosswalk. Leave plenty of room.
- Making a right turn onto a street brings a new traffic and pedestrian view that may be unpredictable. Proceed slowly and make sure you are aware of any pedestrians that may have started to cross immediately before your turn.
- Parking lots can be danger zones. Pedestrians always have right-of-way in a parking lot, so let them cross in front of you without passing them or pressing them. Parking lots are not through streets, so always drive slowly and carefully.
- Don’t talk to your passengers, or blast the radio, or check your GPS in an area with many pedestrians.
Unless a pedestrian does something really foolish, like walking right in front of your car, you will likely be judged responsible for hitting a pedestrian. Make sure that does not happen to you.
Pedestrian Safety Tips
The tips for pedestrians are, for the most part, the mirror image of the tips for drivers. Consider these pedestrian safety tips:
- Face oncoming traffic when walking on a road without a sidewalk. This will give you more opportunity to react if there is a problem, and get out of the way. And if there is no sidewalk, it is smart to walk in single file.
- Cross safely. If there is a crosswalk, use it. If it is governed by a crossing light, use that, too. Standing on the sidewalk for a few minutes waiting for the light, or for a clear roadway, is much better than lying on the roadway wondering what just happened.
- Make yourself visible by wearing light-colored clothing and reflective material.
- Be predictable. Don’t run across the street without checking. Don’t horse around with your friends, and don’t pay more attention to someone walking past you than the traffic on the road.
- Worry about the road, not your cell phone or music player. It’s probably a good idea to shut the music off completely, because sound cues might help keep you alive.
- Short-leash your dog to maintain control. Dogs on long leashes can more easily pull you into traffic.
Remember that as a pedestrian, you are the primary guardian of your own safety. While drivers are required to yield the right-of-way to you while crossing the street, don’t assume that they’ll see you or stop for you. Always make sure it is safe before you decide to cross.
How Can Ruloff, Swain, Haddad, Morecock, Talbert & Woodward, P.C. Help Me?
Ruloff, Swain, Haddad, Morecock, Talbert & Woodward, P.C. has 11 experienced trial attorneys to help with your pedestrian accident case. We have the feel of a hometown law firm but the experience and talent big city law firms respect.
We take client service seriously, and our primary goal is to take the pressure off you, no matter the issue. We will deal with the defendant’s insurance company and manage all communications in your case.
Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss the specifics of your injury claim.