Speeding and distracted driving are the two most dangerous driving behaviors, according to a recent Esurance analysis of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data. In a single recent year, speeding killed 9,717 people in the United States and was a factor in at least 25% of all traffic fatalities, according to NHTSA.
An increase in speed is directly correlated to the likelihood of a crash happening and to the severity of the crash, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). For instance, every 1% increase in the average speed results in a 4% increase in the fatal crash risk and a 3% increase in the serious crash risk.
A distracted driver using their mobile phone while driving is four times more likely to have a crash than a driver not using a mobile phone, according to WHO. Using a mobile phone while driving slows reaction times and makes it difficult to stay in the proper lane and follow at a safe distance.
The Esurance analysis also found that some of the most dangerous places to drive in the country are states with many rural roads. Country roads are more likely to be unpaved, have sizable potholes, and have bumpy terrain. Shoulders are sometimes non-existent, so it is more difficult to pull over and avoid danger.
According to NHTSA data, Mississippi was the most dangerous state for drivers with 23.1 fatal crashes per 100,000 residents from 2013-2017. Across the country, fatal crashes have increased 13% from five years ago.
Causes of Fatal Crashes
Factors in fatal crashes other than speeding and distracted driving include:
- Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Failure to stay in lane
- Failure to yield right-of-way
- Reckless or careless driving
- Swerving
- Improper turn
- Driving on wrong side of the road
- Overcorrecting
- Tailgating
- Not adjusting to road obstruction
- Operating without proper equipment
Virginia Crash Statistics
There were 127,375 recorded car crashes in Virginia in just one recent year, according to the Virginia Highway Safety Office. Of those, 23,948 were speed-related and 26,123 involved a distracted driver.
There were 843 fatalities (608 drivers, 121 passengers, and 114 pedestrians) that year, a 10.8% increase from the previous year. There were 65,306 injuries, which breaks down to 179 people injured each day due to traffic crashes.
Talk to an Experienced Virginia Beach Car Accident Attorney
If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a car crash that was someone else’s fault, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The experienced Virginia Beach car accident lawyers at Ruloff, Swain, Haddad, Morecock, Talbert & Woodward, P.C. are ready to help you heal from this accident. We will listen to your story and devise a strategy for moving forward.
We have helped many car accident victims in Virginia and stood strong for families pursuing wrongful death claims after fatal crashes. To learn more about how you can pursue the compensation and justice you deserve, schedule a free initial consultation with Ruloff, Swain, Haddad, Morecock, Talbert & Woodward, P.C. today.